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Jason Berg

Authorized Hyper Chassis/Parts Dealer

About Jason Berg

I started watching the races when I was about 10-years-old, going to the Red River Valley Speedway by going with my aunt and uncle. 

Back then, the cars were basically either hobby stocks or late models. I had two uncles that raced — Clinton Berg  and Jim Fischer. Jim really got me hooked on racing. He taught me to build cars and do weekly maintenance/repairs.

After Jim retired from racing, I was asked to work on the track doing line-ups on yellow flags. I did that for several years and had a blast.

I worked my way up to Assistant Flagman, and after learning from one of the best in the area (Jim Smith) I became Head Flagman at the Red River Valley Speedway when he retired. Serving in this role was one my favorite racing experiences to date. I have since worked as a Competition Director/Head Flagman at several tracks in the area including Red River Valley Speedway, Buffalo River Speedway, Norman County Raceway, I-94 Speedway and Greenbush Race Park.

I also had the opportunity to work as an official for great events and series around the area including WOO Sprint Cars and WOO Late Model Events at the Red River Valley Speedway, and the Red River Coop Speedway in Winnepeg, Jamestown Speedway, and local series NLRA and NOSA. About the only track I haven’t flagged yet is the River Cities Speedway in Grand Forks, ND. 


Jason Berg Racing Lightning Sprint Car
Jason Berg Racing Lightning Sprint Car
Jason Berg Racing Lightning Sprint Car
Jason Berg Racing Lightning Sprint Car
Jason Berg Racing Lightning Sprint Car
Jason Berg Racing Lightning Sprint Car
Jason Berg Racing Lightning Sprint Car
Jason Berg Racing Lightning Sprint Car
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Jason Berg Racing Sponsor- Mowstrip Logo
Sponsor Racecar Driver Jason Berg Schultz Property Maintenance LLC Logo
Jason Berg Racing Sponsor Kelly's Fargo ND logo

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Sponsor Racecar Driver Jason Berg Schultz Property Maintenance LLC Logo

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